This is a question regarding how TAS chooses to continue listing some products year after year in its annual Recommended Components (or Editors’ Choice Awards) listings, but some get dropped after only one or a couple appearances. For example, Andrew Quint reviewed the Audio Physic Cardeas 30 LJE speakers a few years ago, describing these speakers as the best he had ever heard in his listening space, providing “world class performance,” and commenting that with this speaker “one stand[s] to get sound as good as most audiophiles can hope to achieve in a typical domestic environment.”. But the Audio Physic quickly dropped out of sight in TAS’ recommendations. Just curious about the listing factors because other speakers, like various Magico speakers, reappear year after year. Thank you.

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What advantages, if any, would there be to change the factory set stylus alignment on a Technics SL1210 to Baerwold or Lofgren?

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I'm in the market for an amplifier. Very interested in the new Boulder 1151 monoblocs and the upcoming 1162. Are the 1151s closer to the 1160 or the smaller 1161? What can you tell us about the monos and the upcoming 1162s?


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